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Your review was successfully submitted for approval":"Thank you! Your review was successfully submitted for approval","The payment hasn't completed, please try again or select a different payment method.":"The payment hasn't completed, please try again or select a different payment method.","The payment is refused, please try again or select a different payment method.":"The payment is refused, please try again or select a different payment method.","There was an error processing you Paypal Express order!":"There was an error processing you Paypal Express order!","These 80-ohm headphones are the ideal choice for a range of studio applications.":"These 80-ohms headphones are the ideal choice for a range of studio applications.","Third":"Third","This cart is assigned to {email}. Please sign in to continue shopping.":["This cart is assigned to ",["email"],". 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Our quality promise >","Which size is right?":"Which size is right?","Whoops our bad...":"Whoops our bad...","Wishlist":"Wishlist","With an impedance of 250 ohm, the DT 770 PRO headphones are perfect for mixing in the studio.":"With an impedance of 250 ohms, the headphones are perfect for mixing in the studio.","Write a review":"Write a review","Written by {nickname}":["Written by ",["nickname"]],"Written {0} reviews":["Written ",["0"]," reviews"],"Wrong email format":"Wrong email format","Yes, I would like to subscribe to the free newsletter and have read and accepted the terms and conditions.":"Yes, I would like to subscribe to the free newsletter and have read and accepted the terms and conditions.","You are reviewing {0}":["You are reviewing ",["0"]],"You can find your order history in your account!":"You can find your order history in your account!","You can now <0>sign in again0>.":"You can now <0>sign in again0>.","You can track your order status and much more!":"You can track 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In launching the closed-back DT 700 PRO X, we are unveiling circumaural studio headphones, which are set to usher in a era for the long-established, Heilbronn-based company. While our classics of the PRO X series are regarded as reference products in professional studios all over the world, the PRO line is suitable for flexible use both in the studio and while on the move. It is all made possible by the STELLAR.45 driver that loudly reproduces the best sound in studio quality without any distortion – with all playback devices.
Trusted studio sound meets high performance
The STELLAR.45 sound transducer, developed and produced in Heilbronn, Germany, delivers that proven beyerdynamic sound at previously unattained levels of studio-headphones-class performance. This is down to the neodymium ring magnet as well as copper-clad high-tech wire. The trade-off between electrical conductivity and the weight of the wire is unique. In combination with the developed three-layer speaker diaphragm featuring integrated damping layer, this has created a highly efficient driver system that performs superbly on all playback devices.
The innovative membrane structure controls the axial motion of the voice coil and ensures that it remains securely positioned in the magnet gap even during high oscillations. Another benefit is vast and natural frequency response. The fast response of the transducer and the detailed transient response, produced by the low coil weight, create a sound that is always reliable and distortion free even at high sound pressure levels.
Wide range of applications on all playback devices
Anytime, anywhere – the wide range of applications offered by the PRO X line unleashes your creativity. Be it on an audio interface, laptop, tablet or mobile phone: Thanks to our high-performance STELLAR.45 driver, the PRO X headphones with an impedance of 48 ohms reproduce sound at volume and power to familiar levels of studio quality – on all playback devices. The cable concept is also demonstrably suitable for everyday use: the removable mini-XLR cable can be swapped out as required to be replaced with cables that have different lengths or feature other connectivity options.
Tailored fit for extra-long sessions
The PRO X line also embodies what our professional headphones have always been synonymous with: maximum wearing comfort. The robust spring steel headband design assures the over-ear headphones provide a secure fit and ensures durability. The supple velour ear pads are soft to the touch, as you would expect, and guarantee superior ventilation. The headband ergonomically adapts to the shape of the wearer’s head with the aid of soft memory foam and, like the ear pads, can be replaced if required.
Built to last, featuring a sleek, robust design
Black, minimalist and reduced to the essentials. In a word: PRO. As far as the design of and materials used in the PRO X line are concerned, attention was paid to the resilience of all components: metal headband, GRP components, a robust mini-XLR connector and hard-wearing cable. This means you are geared up on a daily basis for any professional application.
Sustainable headphones – made in Germany
The PRO X line headphones have been designed for daily use in challenging conditions. This is why they are handmade in Germany using premium quality materials. If required, nearly all the headphones’ components can be replaced, turning these headphones into an investment that makes sense for every creator.
Robustes Design und exzellente Verarbeitung
Schwarz, minimalistisch und auf das Wesentliche reduziert. In einem Wort: PRO. Beim Design und den verarbeiteten Materialien der PRO X Serie wurde bei allen Komponenten auf maximale Strapazierfähigkeit geachtet. So bist du im Alltag für jede professionelle Anwendung gerüstet.
Robuster Mini-XLR Steckverbinder
Glasfaserverstärkte Kunststoffteile
Nachhaltige Kopfhörer: Made in Germany
Die Kopfhörer der PRO X Serie sind für den täglichen Einsatz unter anspruchsvollen Bedingungen konzipiert. Deshalb werden sie aus hochqualitativen Materialien von Hand in Deutschland gefertigt. Bei Bedarf können nahezu alle Teile des Kopfhörers ausgetauscht werden. Er ist somit eine sinnvolle Investition für jeden Creator.
Creative minds everywhere are changing our world. Get to know some creators.
"The 700 Pro X are a stellar closed back headphone, and compete strongly with well-renowned reference/studio headphones. Beyerdynamic has put out in the past but for $299, they’re a bargain for what they offer."