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40 Results

Just Right Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

Just Right Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

25 stems of burlap-wrapped blooms and bits!

With Heart: Every Mother Counts Bouquet
With Heart ♥

With Heart: Every Mother Counts Bouquet

A burlap benefitting Every Mother Counts!

Big Love Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

Big Love Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

35 stems of burlap-wrapped bits and blooms!

Fancy Pants XL Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

Fancy Pants XL Burlap Wrapped Bouquet

Our biggest burlap-wrapped bouquet!

Trail Mix

Trail Mix

A sunflower filled burlap-wrapped bouquet!

Sun Dressed

Sun Dressed

A golden state-grown garden rose bouquet!

Soft Serve

Soft Serve

12 stems of OR-grown peonies!

Double Play

Double Play

A peony + roselily filled burlap!

Soft Serve Plus

Soft Serve Plus

24 stems of OR-grown peonies!

Lindy Hop

Lindy Hop

A best-selling & free shipping bouquet!

Frill Seeker
USA Grown!

Frill Seeker

10 stems of our CEO's favorite flower!



Classic Farmgirl but make it neutral!

Farm Fresh Flowers Delivered Nationwide

Farmgirl Flowers provides you or your loved ones with fresh flower deliveries for any occasion in the continental United States. Send fresh flowers online for birthday celebrations, anniversaries, offerings of sympathy, giving thanks, or just because you care - Farmgirl Flowers has beautiful floral arrangements for any occasion. From our signature burlap-wrapped floral bouquets, vase flower arrangements, single stem blooms, potted plants, preserved flowers, faux flowers, and more, we’ve got you covered.


How Do We Design Our Flower Arrangements?

The answer is simple - we design Farmgirl Flowers arrangements and bouquets with a unique assortment of stems and thoughtfully crafted color palettes to meet every preference, plus align with the season’s best blooms available. From roses to ranunculuses, mums, sunflowers, lilies, peonies, daisies, David Austin Juliets, anemones, stock, tones of greenery, and more, our floral arrangements arrive beautifully designed and ready to gift.


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Burlap Wrapped Bouquets

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