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A Promised Land Hardcover – November 17, 2020
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NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • Jennifer Szalai, The New York Times • NPR • The Guardian • Slate • Vox • The Economist • Marie Claire
In the stirring first volume of his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama tells the story of his improbable odyssey from young man searching for his identity to leader of the free world, describing in strikingly personal detail both his political education and the landmark moments of the first term of his historic presidency—a time of dramatic transformation and turmoil.
Obama takes readers on a compelling journey from his earliest political aspirations to the pivotal Iowa caucus victory that demonstrated the power of grassroots activism to the watershed night of November 4, 2008, when he was elected 44th president of the United States, becoming the first African American to hold the nation’s highest office.
Reflecting on the presidency, he offers a unique and thoughtful exploration of both the awesome reach and the limits of presidential power, as well as singular insights into the dynamics of U.S. partisan politics and international diplomacy. Obama brings readers inside the Oval Office and the White House Situation Room, and to Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, and points beyond. We are privy to his thoughts as he assembles his cabinet, wrestles with a global financial crisis, takes the measure of Vladimir Putin, overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds to secure passage of the Affordable Care Act, clashes with generals about U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, tackles Wall Street reform, responds to the devastating Deepwater Horizon blowout, and authorizes Operation Neptune’s Spear, which leads to the death of Osama bin Laden.
A Promised Land is extraordinarily intimate and introspective—the story of one man’s bet with history, the faith of a community organizer tested on the world stage. Obama is candid about the balancing act of running for office as a Black American, bearing the expectations of a generation buoyed by messages of “hope and change,” and meeting the moral challenges of high-stakes decision-making. He is frank about the forces that opposed him at home and abroad, open about how living in the White House affected his wife and daughters, and unafraid to reveal self-doubt and disappointment. Yet he never wavers from his belief that inside the great, ongoing American experiment, progress is always possible.
This beautifully written and powerful book captures Barack Obama’s conviction that democracy is not a gift from on high but something founded on empathy and common understanding and built together, day by day.
- Print length768 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherCrown
- Publication dateNovember 17, 2020
- Dimensions6.5 x 1.52 x 9.55 inches
- ISBN-101524763160
- ISBN-13978-1524763169
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- Do we care to match the reality of America to its ideals? If so, do we really believe that our notions of self-government and individual freedom, equality of opportunity and equality before the law, apply to everybody? Or are we instead committed, in practice if not in statute, to reserving those things for a privileged few?Highlighted by 4,308 Kindle readers
- Enthusiasm makes up for a host of deficiencies, I tell my daughters—and at least that was true for me at Harvard.Highlighted by 3,195 Kindle readers
- And then there was the unsettling fact that, despite whatever my mother might claim, the bullies, cheats, and self-promoters seemed to be doing quite well, while those she considered good and decent people seemed to get screwed an awful lot.Highlighted by 2,864 Kindle readers
- She taught me to marry passion with reason, to not get overly excited when life was going well, and to not get too down when it went badly.Highlighted by 2,493 Kindle readers
- More than anyone, this book is for those young people—an invitation to once again remake the world, and to bring about, through hard work, determination, and a big dose of imagination, an America that finally aligns with all that is best in us.Highlighted by 2,306 Kindle readers
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Two longtime friends share an intimate conversation about life, music, and their enduring love of America, with all its challenges and contradictions, in this expansion of their Higher Ground podcast, featuring over 350 photographs and extra content. | Now adapted for young adults with a new introduction from the author—this memoir is a revealing portrait of a young Black man asking questions about self-discovery and belonging—long before he became one of the most important voices in America. |
Editorial Reviews
“Obama set the modern American benchmark for lofty rhetoric, for inspiring a passionate sense of optimism, for repeatedly rejecting the cynical politics of the past. . . . The book radiates an emotional warmth that Obama used to share only with his inner circle. . . . To have Barack Obama reemerge bearing a message of tattered idealism is a welcome tonic.”—David Brooks, The Atlantic
“[A Promised Land] is well written, certainly the best-written presidential memoir I have read. Obama has an easy and stylish way with words. . . . The most notable feature of the book, however, is Obama’s ability to see not just both sides of every issue but even to empathize with the side in vigorous opposition to his own.”—Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
“A Promised Land often reads like a conversation Obama is having with himself— questioning his ambition, wrestling with whether the sacrifices were worth it, toggling between pride in his administration’s accomplishments and self-doubt over whether he did enough. Written in the Trump era, under an administration bent on repudiating everything he stood for, his elegant prose is freighted with uncertainty about the state of our politics, about whether we can ever reach the titular promised land. . . . The triumphs are tempered with brooding reflections about the inevitable limitations of the presidency.”—Eli Stokols, Los Angeles Times
“[Barack Obama] offers his account, in manners occasionally thrilling but always educational, of the biggest watershed moments of his early administration. . . . His humor, again rare for a person of his professional stature, shines through, most delightfully when he takes jabs at meetings with foreign leaders that could have been an email or Vladimir Putin’s obsession with hearing himself talk. . . . A Promised Land is a book we’ll all be better for reading.”—Seija Rankin, Entertainment Weekly
“A Promised Land is remarkable for its precision and thoroughness, as well as for its honesty, humor, and thoughtful perspective. President Obama’s skill as a writer, and his generosity in sharing his doubts and disappointments as well as his accomplishments and convictions, make the memoir a must-read for all those who wonder why character matters and what true patriotism looks like. And for political junkies, there are nuggets on each and every page.”—Leigh Haber, O, The Oprah Magazine
“[A Promised Land’s] strength, like that of its author, is in the ability to be many things to many people . . . A Promised Land is less a personal memoir than an unusual sort of history, one recounted by the man at the center of it, a man who seems always to be observing himself in action.”—Carlos Lozada, Washington Post
“The 768-page tome is most immediately a thoughtful reflection on [Obama’s] career, including the first years of his presidency. . . . His insight into his mindset during his biggest presidential moments is a reminder of his thoughtfulness at a time when deep thought and reflection are desperately needed in the corridors of power.”—Justin Worland, Time
“The first volume of Barack Obama’s memoirs puts to the test whether a good writer can survive being president. A Promised Land is indisputably a book by the author of Dreams from My Father. Somehow, through a decade and a half of intense exposure, speeches, interviews, meetings, briefings, and galas, the ex-president has preserved his inner life, and with it his literary light.”—George Packer, The Atlantic
“An intimate and elegantly written reflection on historical moments in Obama’s presidency.”—People Magazine
“Reflective and reasonable almost to a fault, the book is also a reminder that the forty-fourth president is one of the best writers ever to serve in that office.”—The Economist
“Barack Obama’s new memoir A Promised Land is unlike any other presidential autobiography from the past—or, likely, future. Yes, it provides a historical account of his time in office and explicates the policy objectives of his administration, from health care to economic recovery to climate change. But the volume is also an introspective self-portrait, set down in the same fluent, fleet-footed prose that made his 1995 book Dreams from My Father such a haunting family memoir. And much like the way that earlier book turned the story of its author’s coming-of-age into an expansive meditation on race and identity, so A Promised Land uses his improbable journey—from outsider to the White House and the first two years of his presidency—as a prism by which to explore some of the dynamics of change and renewal that have informed two and a half centuries of American history.”—Michiko Kakutani, New York Times
“Barack Obama’s A Promised Land is as extraordinary and unusual as the man himself. . . . Another unusual thing about this presidential memoir (though it shouldn’t be too surprising for those who read his earlier autobiography, Dreams from My Father): Obama is a fine writer—graceful, evocative, breezily literary without being the slightest bit twee.”—Fred Kaplan, Slate
“To a remarkable degree, the style of this latest retelling reflects the man we have seen over these years: orderly, cautious, self-examining—yet eloquent in flashes so vivid that the world was immediately able to share something of his vision. . . . We hear his voice in every sentence, almost as if he were physically present and reading the book aloud.”—Ron Elving, NPR
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
I began writing this book shortly after the end of my presidency—after Michelle and I had boarded Air Force One for the last time and traveled west for a long-deferred break. The mood on the plane was bittersweet. Both of us were drained, physically and emotionally, not only by the labors of the previous eight years but by the unexpected results of an election in which someone diametrically opposed to everything we stood for had been chosen as my successor. Still, having run our leg of the race to completion, we took satisfaction in knowing that we’d done our very best—and that however much I’d fallen short as president, whatever projects I’d hoped but failed to accomplish, the country was in better shape now than it had been when I’d started. For a month, Michelle and I slept late, ate leisurely dinners, went for long walks, swam in the ocean, took stock, replenished our friendship, rediscovered our love, and planned for a less eventful but hopefully no less satisfying second act. And by the time I was ready to get back to work and sat down with a pen and yellow pad (I still like writing things out in longhand, finding that a computer gives even my roughest drafts too smooth a gloss and lends half-baked thoughts the mask of tidiness), I had a clear outline of the book in my head.
First and foremost, I hoped to give an honest rendering of my time in office—not just a historical record of key events that happened on my watch and important figures with whom I interacted but also an account of some of the political, economic, and cultural crosscurrents that helped determine the challenges my administration faced and the choices my team and I made in response. Where possible, I wanted to offer readers a sense of what it’s like to be the president of the United States; I wanted to pull the curtain back a bit and remind people that, for all its power and pomp, the presidency is still just a job and our federal government is a human enterprise like any other, and the men and women who work in the White House experience the same daily mix of satisfaction, disappointment, office friction, screw-ups, and small triumphs as the rest of their fellow citizens. Finally, I wanted to tell a more personal story that might inspire young people considering a life of public service: how my career in politics really started with a search for a place to fit in, a way to explain the different strands of my mixed-up heritage, and how it was only by hitching my wagon to something larger than myself that I was ultimately able to locate a community and purpose for my life.
I figured I could do all that in maybe five hundred pages. I expected to be done in a year.
It’s fair to say that the writing process didn’t go exactly as I’d planned. Despite my best intentions, the book kept growing in length and scope—the reason why I eventually decided to break it into two volumes. I’m painfully aware that a more gifted writer could have found a way to tell the same story with greater brevity (after all, my home office in the White House sat right next to the Lincoln Bedroom, where a signed copy of the 272-word Gettysburg Address rests beneath a glass case). But each time that I sat down to write—whether it was to describe the early phases of my campaign, or my administration’s handling of the financial crisis, or negotiations with the Russians on nuclear arms control, or the forces that led to the Arab Spring—I found my mind resisting a simple linear narrative. Often, I felt obliged to provide context for the decisions I and others had made, and I didn’t want to relegate that background to footnotes or endnotes (I hate footnotes and endnotes). I discovered that I couldn’t always explain my motivations just by referencing reams of economic data or recalling an exhaustive Oval Office briefing, for they’d been shaped by a conversation I’d had with a stranger on the campaign trail, a visit to a military hospital, or a childhood lesson I’d received years earlier from my mother. Repeatedly my memories would toss up seemingly incidental details (trying to find a discreet location to grab an evening smoke; my staff and I having a laugh while playing cards aboard Air Force One) that captured, in a way the public record never could, my lived experience during the eight years I spent in the White House.
Beyond the struggle to put words on a page, what I didn’t fully anticipate was the way events would unfold during the three and a half years after that last flight on Air Force One. As I sit here, the country remains in the grips of a global pandemic and the accompanying economic crisis, with more than 178,000 Americans dead, businesses shuttered, and millions of people out of work. Across the nation, people from all walks of life have poured into the streets to protest the deaths of unarmed Black men and women at the hands of the police. Perhaps most troubling of all, our democracy seems to be teetering on the brink of crisis—a crisis rooted in a fundamental contest between two opposing visions of what America is and what it should be; a crisis that has left the body politic divided, angry, and mistrustful, and has allowed for an ongoing breach of institutional norms, procedural safeguards, and the adherence to basic facts that both Republicans and Democrats once took for granted.
This contest is not new, of course. In many ways, it has defined the American experience. It’s embedded in founding documents that could simultaneously proclaim all men equal and yet count a slave as three-fifths of a man. It finds expression in our earliest court opinions, as when the chief justice of the Supreme Court bluntly explains to Native Americans that their tribe’s rights to convey property aren’t enforceable since the court of the conqueror has no capacity to recognize the just claims of the conquered. It’s a contest that’s been fought on the fields of Gettysburg and Appomattox but also in the halls of Congress, on a bridge in Selma, across the vineyards of California, and down the streets of New York—a contest fought by soldiers but more often by union organizers, suffragists, Pullman porters, student leaders, waves of immigrants, and LGBTQ activists, armed with nothing more than picket signs, pamphlets, or a pair of marching shoes. At the heart of this long-running battle is a simple question: Do we care to match the reality of America to its ideals? If so, do we really believe that our notions of self-government and individual freedom, equality of opportunity and equality before the law, apply to everybody? Or are we instead committed, in practice if not in statute, to reserving those things for a privileged few?
I recognize that there are those who believe that it’s time to discard the myth—that an examination of America’s past and an even cursory glance at today’s headlines show that this nation’s ideals have always been secondary to conquest and subjugation, a racial caste system and rapacious capitalism, and that to pretend otherwise is to be complicit in a game that was rigged from the start. And I confess that there have been times during the course of writing this book, as I’ve reflected on my presidency and all that’s happened since, when I’ve had to ask myself whether I was too tempered in speaking the truth as I saw it, too cautious in either word or deed, convinced as I was that by appealing to what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature I stood a greater chance of leading us in the direction of the America we’ve been promised.
I don’t know. What I can say for certain is that I’m not yet ready to abandon the possibility of America—not just for the sake of future generations of Americans but for all of humankind. For I’m convinced that the pandemic we’re currently living through is both a manifestation of and a mere interruption in the relentless march toward an interconnected world, one in which peoples and cultures can’t help but collide. In that world—of global supply chains, instantaneous capital transfers, social media, transnational terrorist networks, climate change, mass migration, and ever-increasing complexity—we will learn to live together, cooperate with one another, and recognize the dignity of others, or we will perish. And so the world watches America—the only great power in history made up of people from every corner of the planet, comprising every race and faith and cultural practice— to see if our experiment in democracy can work. To see if we can do what no other nation has ever done. To see if we can actually live up to the meaning of our creed.
The jury’s still out. By the time this first volume is published, a U.S. election will have taken place, and while I believe the stakes could not be higher, I also know that no single election will settle the matter. If I remain hopeful, it’s because I’ve learned to place my faith in my fellow citizens, especially those of the next generation, whose conviction in the equal worth of all people seems to come as second nature, and who insist on making real those principles that their parents and teachers told them were true but perhaps never fully believed themselves. More than anyone, this book is for those young people—an invitation to once again remake the world, and to bring about, through hard work, determination, and a big dose of imagination, an America that finally aligns with all that is best in us.
August 2020
Product details
- Publisher : Crown; First Edition (November 17, 2020)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 768 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1524763160
- ISBN-13 : 978-1524763169
- Item Weight : 2.4 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.5 x 1.52 x 9.55 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #7,732 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #24 in US Presidents
- #27 in Black & African American Biographies
- #269 in Memoirs (Books)
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What This Book Made Me Realize about Barack
About the author

Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States, elected in November 2008 and holding office for two terms. He is the author of three New York Times bestselling books, Dreams from My Father, The Audacity of Hope, and A Promised Land, and is the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Michelle. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
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Customers find the book engaging and insightful. They praise the author's writing style as thoughtful, articulate, and eloquent. Readers appreciate the honesty, candor, and authenticity of the memoir. The book portrays the author as caring and humane, with humor and wit on display.
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Customers find the book engaging and thoughtful. They describe it as a great read from a strong leader.
"...reflection is sporadically inserted throughout the book, the genuine thoughts of a man who had a clear, altruistic vision of what he wanted to..." Read more
"...A Promised Land” is a fascinating first volume account of his presidential memoir; Barack Obama takes the reader on a historical journey of his..." Read more
"...confessional and regretful, apologetic and unapologetic, critical and commending, funny and indignant, sagacious and dismissive, stubborn and fair..." Read more
"...with reflections on the challenges of leadership, race, and identity in America...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's intelligence and detail. They find it insightful, enlightening, and informative about the presidency. The book presents issues clearly and thoughtfully. Readers praise Obama's humility, clear thinking, and high sense of duty.
"...presidential memoirs, Barack Obama provides a sweeping and vivid portrait of his life leading up to his entry into politics as an Illinois State..." Read more
"...2. Professional yet engaging tone. You appreciate Obama’s humility, intelligence and his high sense of duty and care of his fellow citizens. 3...." Read more
"...In this regard, his memoir profoundly expressed his vulnerability, his confidence, his sacrifices, his disappointments, and ultimately his empathy..." Read more
"...It’s a thoughtful, reflective account that is not only about politics but also about personal growth, responsibility, and the pursuit of a more just..." Read more
Customers find the writing quality informative and well-written. They appreciate the author's articulate, thoughtful, and human tone. The book is written in a conversational style, although it is long and dense.
"...All of this is well-written, insightful, and a fascinating look behind the scenes that kept me mostly spellbound...." Read more
"...Positives: 1. Former President Obama is an excellent writer. The book is a pleasure to read. 2. Professional yet engaging tone...." Read more
"...His words are elegantly composed; they are commanding, inspiring, and full of flair and flow...." Read more
"...Obama’s writing is eloquent, and the book is filled with reflections on the challenges of leadership, race, and identity in America...." Read more
Customers appreciate the honesty of the memoir. They find it a candid account of events during the presidency, with unambiguous and authentic candor. Readers appreciate Obama's humility and compassion. The personal stories are illuminating.
"...when he reflects on many of those decisions, his earnestness is unambiguous and authentic, his motives plausibly benign...." Read more
"...2. Professional yet engaging tone. You appreciate Obama’s humility, intelligence and his high sense of duty and care of his fellow citizens. 3...." Read more
"...and scrutinized individuals: he is both humble and boastful, confessional and regretful, apologetic and unapologetic, critical and commending, funny..." Read more
"...Thankfully there is. Obama shares personal stories which are illuminating...." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's empathy. They find it reassuranceing to hear about how humane and caring Obama was. The book is described as emotional, refreshing, and poignant.
"...decisions, his earnestness is unambiguous and authentic, his motives plausibly benign...." Read more
"...indignant, sagacious and dismissive, stubborn and fair, cynical and idealistic, concerned and optimistic...." Read more
"...recommend the book in order to understand the man, his inspirational hopes for the country, his complex political relationships, the political and..." Read more
"...He makes a warm heart and enormous empathy visible...." Read more
Customers appreciate the author's humor and intellect. They find the book engaging, with humorous remarks and a sharp wit. The prose is described as poetic and warm, portraying a caring man. While some readers found the amount of detail tedious, they enjoyed the lively language and clever comments from Michelle.
"...In summary, this is a must read. President Obama is a gifted writer and he provides readers with keen insights into the most important events of his..." Read more
"...and regretful, apologetic and unapologetic, critical and commending, funny and indignant, sagacious and dismissive, stubborn and fair, cynical and..." Read more
"...firsthand his rapidly growing popularity, is interesting and humorous...." Read more
"...the best-written biographies I have read, judging from its rhetoric and language usage...." Read more
Customers find the book a great gift. They say it's a wonderful surprise and a deep personal delivery. The delivery is emotional, reflective, and well-written.
"...I am well into the first one and entirely absorbed and grateful...." Read more
"...He is a humble, grounded, generous person who gives me hope and inspiration again...." Read more
"...The photos are an added bonus and wonderful surprise. Don’t hesitate...BUY IT!! If you received the book damaged in delivery or the warehouse...." Read more
"...all the time she haven't complained about it so I take it was a good book gift because my child don't mind letting me know if I didn't make a good..." Read more
Customers have mixed views on the book's print size. Some find it long and engaging, while others feel it takes up too much space. The sentences are described as long and complex, but the writing is smooth and logical. Overall, opinions are divided on whether the book is an enjoyable read or overly long and complex.
"...However, the book is too long for the content covered...." Read more
"...This anticipated book includes 27 chapters and is broken out by the following seven parts: 1. The Bet, 2. Yes We Can, 3. Renegade, 4...." Read more
"...The primary trail is long and has a steep learning curve. There are successes, but missteps too...." Read more
"...was polished and very well-written, in a conversational style, although long and dense. It's a very interesting read, but not a quick one...." Read more
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An Insightful and Thoughtful Memoir By Barack Obama
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2020In A Promised Land, the first volume of his highly anticipated presidential memoirs, Barack Obama provides a sweeping and vivid portrait of his life leading up to his entry into politics as an Illinois State Senator, and concluding in the midst of the third year of his presidency with Operation Neptune’s Spear, the mission to kill or capture Osama bin Laden. Mercifully, the memoir spends very little time on his early life, a mistake often made by long-winded memoirists who tend to reflect on their early years with something approaching myopic nostalgia. Obama limits the story of his early years to just a few pages, a mere setup to a long-lingering questioning of his early and murky career motives and the true objective of his decisions during that time. He quickly moves to his decision to run for office, first in the Illinois state senate, then rapidly to the U.S. Senate, followed by his run for the presidency. All along the way, he seems surprisingly and somewhat comfortingly irresolute, a shocking admission for a career politician. He also reflects on how Washington changes a person, worrying about being drawn into the muck of politics:
"I questioned what might happen to me the longer I stayed in Washington, the more embedded and comfortable I became. I saw now how it could happen—how the incrementalism and decorum, the endless positioning for the next election, and the groupthink of cable news panels all conspired to chip away at your best instincts and wear down your independence, until whatever you once believed was utterly lost."
Throughout the book, Barack Obama shows some real insight into his thoughts on partisanship. When reflecting on one of the big scandals of his election run where, in regard to why working class voters tend to elect Republicans, he made the comment, “So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” He expresses a deep desire to recant that sentence and replace it with what he claims were his actual convictions as below:
"“So it’s not surprising then that they get frustrated,” I would say in my revised version, “and they look to the traditions and way of life that have been constants in their lives, whether it’s their faith, or hunting, or blue-collar work, or more traditional notions of family and community. And when Republicans tell them we Democrats despise these things—or when we give these folks reason to believe that we do—then the best policies in the world don’t matter to them.”"
Although this is obviously the rumination of a man who’s had a long opportunity to reflect on his mistakes, this comes across as earnest and believable. Obama’s writing seems to convey a true and pure desire to be a solid and equitable president who brings the country together. Although I had plenty of problems with his decisions and actions while he was president, when he reflects on many of those decisions, his earnestness is unambiguous and authentic, his motives plausibly benign.
I voted for Obama in 2008, only the second time I had ever voted for a Democrat for president. (Clinton in 1996 was the first.) I didn’t vote for Obama because of his policies, or because of his messaging, both of which I mostly disagreed with at the time. I also didn’t vote for him because of his charisma or his oratory skills, or because of his message of “Hope.” In fact, I didn’t even vote for him again in 2012, choosing to return to my right-leaning views and vote for Mitt Romney. In 2008, I liked John McCain, and I thought that McCain would make a much better president than Barack Obama. And yet, I voted for Obama for one reason: Sarah Palin. Obama himself shares some interesting insight into the drama within his own campaign on hearing the news that McCain had chosen Palin, starting with Joe Biden turning to him and saying, “Who the hell is Sarah Palin?” After a deep dive by his team into her biography and background, Obama says this:
"But from the day McCain chose her and through the heights of Palin-mania, I felt certain the decision would not serve him well. For all of Palin’s performative gifts, a vice president’s most important qualification was the ability, if necessary, to assume the presidency. Given John’s age and history of melanoma, this wasn’t an idle concern. And what became abundantly clear as soon as Sarah Palin stepped into the spotlight was that on just about every subject relevant to governing the country she had absolutely no idea what the hell she was talking about. The financial system. The Supreme Court. The Russian invasion of Georgia. It didn’t matter what the topic was or what form the question took—the Alaskan governor appeared lost, stringing words together like a kid trying to bluff her way through a test for which she had failed to study."
Although this is an easy thing to state after the fact, I have to believe and agree with his assessment. This is after all the primary reason why I chose to vote for the candidate I felt at the time was the worst of the two choices.
The book goes through the campaign and the race at a good pace, and he doesn’t dwell for too long on the election itself, getting quickly into the meat of his first year in office and the complex and challenging problems he inherited with a country and a world immersed in a financial crisis not seen since the Great Depression. Although both the House and the Senate were controlled by the Democrats, the Senate’s somewhat recent fixation and enthusiasm for the Filibuster made futile and exasperating his attempts at meaningful legislation. He spends a great deal of time reflecting on the confrontational nature of the Republican caucus toward any legislation put forth by his administration:
"You might think that for a political party that had just suffered two cycles of resounding defeat, the GOP strategy of pugnacious, all-out obstruction would carry big risks. And during a time of genuine crisis, it sure wasn’t responsible.
But if, like McConnell and Boehner, your primary concern was clawing your way back to power, recent history suggested that such a strategy made sense. For all their talk about wanting politicians to get along, American voters rarely reward the opposition for cooperating with the governing party."
He goes into a short history lesson of the failures of both parties to win the house or senate via cooperation with the president through the last twenty years or so, a real but depressing look into how our government actually functions, with bitter infighting and iron-grip partisanship that puts personal power objectives well in front of the good of the country. Although he complains about this on numerous occasions, disappointingly he doesn’t cast blame on his own party for their own commensurate tactics with his Republican predecessors, nor does he offer a mediated solution to such deliberately damaging and abhorrent strategies. Admittedly, such a solution may be non-existent beyond congressional term-limits, which seems to be yet another idea that most Americans desire but will never be realized.
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 caused by the sub-prime mortgage bubble was Obama’s immersion in fire, and it was a doozy, a real threat of an global economic depression that consumed the first part of his presidency. To this day, his administration’s handling of that crisis is still fiercely debated but, regardless of choices he could have made differently, there’s no doubt that his decisions did work in the end, and the U.S. banking industry certainly stabilized much quicker than any of its counterparts around the world. Obama certainly spends some time reflecting on what choices he could have made differently, as he states:
"For many thoughtful critics, though, the fact that I had engineered a return to pre-crisis normalcy is precisely the problem—a missed opportunity, if not a flat-out betrayal. According to this view, the financial crisis offered me a once-in-a-generation chance to reset the standards for normalcy, remaking not just the financial system but the American economy overall. If only I had broken up the big banks and sent some white-collar culprits to jail; if only I had put an end to outsized pay packages and Wall Street’s heads-I-win, tails-you-lose culture, then maybe today we’d have a more equitable system that served the interests of working families rather than a handful of billionaires.
I understand such frustrations. In many ways, I share them. To this day, I survey reports of America’s escalating inequality, its reduced upward mobility and still-stagnant wages, with all the consequent anger and distortions such trends stir in our democracy, and I wonder whether I should have been bolder in those early months, willing to exact more economic pain in the short term in pursuit of a permanently altered and more just economic order.
The thought nags at me. And yet even if it were possible for me to go back in time and get a do-over, I can’t say that I would make different choices."
I’m not qualified to judge the choices he made during this crisis—I’ll let the economists do that—but his insight into the thoughts that went behind those decisions is interesting, and his reasoning is certainly compelling.
Obama adds just a small amount of humor to the book, such as this statement about German Chancellor, Angela Merkel:
"She was famously suspicious of emotional outbursts or overblown rhetoric, and her team would later confess that she’d been initially skeptical of me precisely because of my oratorical skills. I took no offense, figuring that in a German leader, an aversion to possible demagoguery was probably a healthy thing."
Obama also does a great job of describing and recognizing the bubble in which the American president sits, and his efforts to expand that bubble, from his visits to military hospitals or his attendance at the solemn return and transfer of American soldiers’ remains in an effort to understand the true cost of war, to his meeting with fifteen top American bankers during the financial crisis in an effort to understand their points of view, to his order to his Chief of Staff, Rahm, to have ten letters a day from citizens, good and bad, sent to him to read and reply to. He discusses his desire to take action on numerous occasions, desire that is tempered by his advisors, all of who’s expertise he respected and heeded. When talking about the Iranian revolts, the “Green Movement” of 2009 that posed one of the most significant challenges to the Islamic Republic in recent history, he stews over the merciless recriminations enacted by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Publicly, he gives a series of bland, bureaucratic statements like, “We continue to monitor the entire situation closely,” but privately he balked at such passive action:
"As the violence escalated, so did my condemnation. Still, such a passive approach didn’t sit well with me—and not just because I had to listen to Republicans howl that I was coddling a murderous regime. I was learning yet another difficult lesson about the presidency: that my heart was now chained to strategic considerations and tactical analysis, my convictions subject to counterintuitive arguments; that in the most powerful office on earth, I had less freedom to say what I meant and act on what I felt than I’d had as a senator—or as an ordinary citizen disgusted by the sight of a young woman gunned down by her own government."
He also talks about the requisite tempering of his own ambitions and expectations with policy:
"The presidency changes your time horizons. Rarely do your efforts bear fruit right away; the scale of most problems coming across your desk is too big for that, the factors at play too varied. You learn to measure progress in smaller steps—each of which may take months to accomplish, none of which merit much public notice—and to reconcile yourself to the knowledge that your ultimate goal, if ever achieved, may take a year or two or even a full term to realize. Nowhere is this truer than in the conduct of foreign policy."
Although he doesn’t spend much more time on that concept, I can only imagine the frustration that someone with the temperament to run for the office of President of the United States must feel as such chafing and arduous delays. For example, the book ends shortly after the killing of Osama bin Laden, and Obama talks about the intelligence that led to the discovery of OBL’s hideout in Pakistan. That information was brought to him six months before Operation Neptune’s Spear was executed, and it’s hard to imagine learning that information and then compartmentalizing it for six months while it’s confirmed and a mission is drawn up. I have a hard time waiting a week or two for something I’m personally excited about like a vacation or a holiday, and the effort to control a natural impulsiveness to immediately take action regarding something as dramatic as intelligence that might lead to the execution or capture of bin Laden seems Herculean.
Some of Obama’s candor and the bluntness with which he approaches his problems come through clearly in the opening of chapter 22:
"It’s in the nature of politics, and certainly the presidency, to go through rough patches—times when, because of a boneheaded mistake, an unforeseen circumstance, a sound but unpopular decision, or a failure to communicate, the headlines turn sour and the public finds you wanting. Usually this lasts for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, before the press loses interest in smacking you around, either because you fixed the problem, or you expressed contrition, or you chalked up a win, or something deemed more important pushes you off the front page.
If the rough patch lasts long enough though, you may find yourself in a dreaded situation in which problems compound, then congeal into a broader narrative about you and your presidency. The negative stories don’t let up, which leads to a drop in your popularity. Your political adversaries, smelling blood in the water, go after you harder, and allies aren’t as quick to defend you. The press starts digging for additional problems in your administration, to confirm the impression that you’re in political trouble. Until—like the daredevils and fools of old at Niagara Falls—you find yourself trapped in the proverbial barrel, tumbling through the crashing waters, bruised and disoriented, no longer sure which way is up, powerless to arrest your descent, waiting to hit bottom and hoping, without evidence, that you’ll survive the impact.
For most of my second year in office, we were in the barrel."
Obama’s team decides to arrest this descent into oblivion by pushing for Wall Street reform, culminating in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, legislation that should have been completely bi-partisan, but because of what Obama claims was Republican obstinance toward anything he supported, was only able to clear Congress when Mitch McConnell secretly conveyed to him that he would allow the act to barely pass, their obstructionism working well for them and in full force. Once again, Obama takes the opportunity to disparage, or at least to show his frustration with Republicans and their backroom deals and insincere approach to political gamesmanship without acknowledging that this is a massive problem on both sides of the aisle, the muck and the “swamp” that would culminate in the election of Donald Trump eight years later.
The book goes through the Deepwater Horizon incident, unrest in the middle east, the Arab Spring uprisings, our military intervention as part of the UN operation against Gaddafi’s forces in Libya, and Obama’s interactions with Russian puppet president Medvedev and his string-puller Putin. All of this is well-written, insightful, and a fascinating look behind the scenes that kept me mostly spellbound. Obama is not shy about self-criticism and acknowledgement of his own failings and errors throughout those early years of his presidency, and the humility is refreshing, gratifying, and relatable. He even reflects on the meaning of any of the choices he might have made with this statement toward the conclusion of the book:
"Looking back, I sometimes ponder the age-old question of how much difference the particular characteristics of individual leaders make in the sweep of history—whether those of us who rise to power are mere conduits for the deep, relentless currents of the times or whether we’re at least partly the authors of what’s to come. I wonder whether our insecurities and our hopes, our childhood traumas or memories of unexpected kindness carry as much force as any technological shift or socioeconomic trend."
This type of reflection is sporadically inserted throughout the book, the genuine thoughts of a man who had a clear, altruistic vision of what he wanted to accomplish as president. Whether he succeeded with this mission is certainly up for debate, but his motives are unquestionably not.
A Promised Land was an enjoyable and enlightening read, and I highly recommend it. Although I was disappointed that it ended prior to what I feel was one of the biggest failures of his administration—Benghazi—I certainly understand the desire to end the book on a high note with the killing of Osama bin Laden. I’m eagerly looking forward to a similar level of authenticity and verisimilitude in volume two, hopefully sometime in the near future!
- Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2020A Promised Land by Barack Obama
“A Promised Land” is a fascinating first volume account of his presidential memoir; Barack Obama takes the reader on a historical journey of his first term. This anticipated book includes 27 chapters and is broken out by the following seven parts: 1. The Bet, 2. Yes We Can, 3. Renegade, 4. The Good Fight, 5. The World as It Is, 6. In the Barrel, and 7. On the High Wire.
1. Former President Obama is an excellent writer. The book is a pleasure to read.
2. Professional yet engaging tone. You appreciate Obama’s humility, intelligence and his high sense of duty and care of his fellow citizens.
3. This is an important book to read. It captures in a compelling manner the most important events of Obama’s first term.
4. In the Preface, Obama clearly establishes what this book is all about. “First and foremost, I hoped to give an honest rendering of my time in office—not just a historical record of key events that happened on my watch and important figures with whom I interacted but also an account of some of the political, economic, and cultural crosscurrents that helped determine the challenges my administration faced and the choices my team and I made in response.”
5. Describes briefly his days before becoming a politician. “AS LAW SCHOOL was coming to an end, I told Michelle of my plan. I wouldn’t clerk. Instead, I’d move back to Chicago, try to keep my hand in community work while also practicing law at a small firm that specialized in civil rights. If a good opportunity presented itself, I said, I could even see myself running for office.”
6. Keen political insights. “Whether I liked it or not, people were moved by emotion, not facts. To elicit the best rather than the worst of those emotions, to buttress those better angels of our nature with reason and sound policy, to perform while still speaking the truth—that was the bar I needed to clear.”
7. A look into the primaries. “Iowa may have convinced me and my team that I could end up being president. But it was the New Hampshire loss that made us confident I’d be up to the job.”
8. A look at Obama’s campaign versus McCain’s. “John McCain’s campaign had been flailing. Despite the fact that he’d wrapped up the Republican nomination three months before I secured mine, he hadn’t achieved much in the way of momentum. Swing voters remained unpersuaded by his proposal for further tax cuts on top of those Bush had already passed. In the new, more polarized climate, McCain himself appeared hesitant to even mention issues like immigration reform and climate change, which had previously burnished his reputation as a maverick inside his party. In fairness, he’d been dealt a bad hand. The Iraq War remained as unpopular as ever. The economy, already in recession, was rapidly worsening, and so were Bush’s approval numbers. In an election likely to hinge on the promise of change, McCain looked and sounded like more of the same.”
9. Putting together Obama’s team. “Choices in people reflected choices in policy, and with each choice, the chances of disillusionment grew.”
10. Discusses his agenda and important bills. “I signed my first bill into law on my ninth day in office: the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.”
11. Discusses some of his challenges. “I also had to contend with a bit of institutionalized procedural mischief—the Senate filibuster—which in the end would prove to be the most chronic political headache of my presidency.”
12. The Recovery Act. “The next day, the Recovery Act passed the House 244 to 188 with precisely zero Republican votes. It was the opening salvo in a battle plan that McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, and the rest would deploy with impressive discipline for the next eight years: a refusal to work with me or members of my administration, regardless of the circumstances, the issue, or the consequences for the country.”
13. Keen political observations. “What Santelli understood, what McConnell and Boehner understood, was how easily that anger could be channeled, how useful fear could be in advancing their cause.”
14. The importance of process to make difficult decisions. “But with a sound process—one in which I was able to empty out my ego and really listen, following the facts and logic as best I could and considering them alongside my goals and my principles—I realized I could make tough decisions and still sleep easy at night, knowing at a minimum that no one in my position, given the same information, could have made the decision any better.”
15. Discusses Obama’s impact on the economy. “Not only did the U.S. banking sector stabilize far sooner than any of its European counterparts; the financial system and the overall economy returned to growth faster than those of just about any other nation in history after such a significant shock. If I had predicted on the day of my swearing in that within a year the U.S. financial system would have stabilized, almost all TARP funds would be fully repaid (having actually made rather than cost taxpayers money), and the economy would have begun what would become the longest stretch of continuous growth and job creation in U.S. history, the majority of pundits and experts would have questioned my mental fitness—or assumed I was smoking something stronger than tobacco.”
16. Interesting observations of foreign leaders. “Merkel, the daughter of a Lutheran pastor, had grown up in Communist East Germany, keeping her head down and earning a PhD in quantum chemistry. Only after the Iron Curtain fell did she enter politics, methodically moving up the ranks of the center-right Christian Democratic Union party with a combination of organizational skill, strategic acumen, and unwavering patience. Merkel’s eyes were big and bright blue and could be touched by turns with frustration, amusement, or hints of sorrow. Otherwise, her stolid appearance reflected her no-nonsense, analytical sensibility.”
17. Detailed discussion on Obama’s most important cause, a form of national healthcare system. “My instructions to Kathleen and the public health team were simple: Decisions would be made based on the best available science, and we were going to explain each step of our response to the public—including detailing what we did and didn’t know. Over the course of the next six months, we did exactly that.” Bonus, “On Christmas Eve, after twenty-four days of debate, with Washington blanketed in snow and the streets all but empty, the Senate passed its healthcare bill, titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—the ACA—with exactly sixty votes. It was the first Christmas Eve vote in the Senate since 1895.”
18. The Supreme Court. “In theory, Supreme Court justices don’t “make law” when exercising these powers; instead, they’re supposed to merely “interpret” the Constitution, helping to bridge how its provisions were understood by the framers and how they apply to the world we live in today.”
19. Obama’s security philosophy. “I believed that America’s security depended on strengthening our alliances and international institutions. I saw military action as a tool of last, not first, resort.”
20. The impact of U.S. invasion of Iraq. “The U.S. invasion of Iraq had greatly strengthened Iran’s strategic position in the region by replacing its sworn enemy, Saddam Hussein, with a Shiite-led government subject to Iranian influence. Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy, had emerged as the most powerful faction in Lebanon, with Iranian-supplied missiles that could now reach Tel Aviv. The Saudis and Israelis spoke in alarming tones of an expanding “Shiite Crescent” of Iranian influence and made no secret of their interest in the possibility of a U.S.-initiated regime change.”
21. China and U.S. relations. “Instead of engaging in protectionism, America needed to take a page from the Chinese playbook. If we wanted to stay number one, we needed to work harder, save more money, and teach our kids more math, science, engineering—and Mandarin.”
22. The politics of climate change. “Over the next several years, carmakers and appliance manufacturers hit the higher efficiency goals we’d set without much fuss and ahead of schedule, confirming Steve’s assertion that when done properly, ambitious regulatory standards actually spurred businesses to innovate.”
23. The mindset of a president. “But as I’d discovered about myself during the campaign, obstacles and struggles rarely shook me to the core. Instead, depression was more likely to creep up on me when I felt useless, without purpose—when I was wasting my time or squandering opportunities. Even during my worst days as president, I never felt that way. The job didn’t allow for boredom or existential paralysis, and when I sat down with my team to figure out the answer to a knotty problem, I usually came away energized rather than drained.”
24. The Deepwater Horizon disaster. “The videos seemed to confirm calculations that our own analysts had made, independent of BP: The leaks were likely pumping out anywhere between four and ten times the original estimate of five thousand barrels of oil daily.”
25. Midterms. “The dominant story line in the postelection coverage suggested that the conventional wisdom had been right all along: that I’d attempted to do too much and hadn’t stayed focused on the economy; that Obamacare was a fatal error; that I’d tried to resurrect the kind of big-spending, big-government liberalism that even Bill Clinton had pronounced dead years ago.”
26. The economy. “The laws’ changes to the estate tax alone had reduced the tax burden for the top 2 percent of America’s richest families by more than $130 billion. Not only that, but by taking roughly $1.3 trillion in projected revenue out of the U.S. Treasury, the laws had helped turn a federal budget surplus under Bill Clinton into a burgeoning deficit—a deficit that many Republicans were now using to justify their calls for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the rest of America’s social safety net.”
27. The Middle East. “In other words, the absence of peace between Israel and the Palestinians made America less safe.”
28. A great chapter on the hunt for bin Laden. “The second option was to authorize a special ops mission, in which a select team would covertly fly into Pakistan via helicopter, raid the compound, and get out before the Pakistani police or military had time to react. To preserve the secrecy of the operation, and deniability if something went awry, we’d have to conduct it under the authority of the CIA rather than the Pentagon. On the other hand, for a mission of this magnitude and risk, we needed a topflight military mind—which is why we had the Defense Department’s Vice Admiral William McRaven, head of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), in the room to walk us through what a raid might entail.”
29. A photo insert.
1. At around 700 pages this book will require your commitment and time.
2. It only covers the first term of Obama’s two-term presidency.
3. Lack of supplementary material, I would have added a timeline of key events.
4. No notes or links.
In summary, this is a must read. President Obama is a gifted writer and he provides readers with keen insights into the most important events of his first term. You get to relive those moments through the eyes of President Obama and gain a better understanding of the challenges he faced. A riveting account of history, a five-star book if there ever was one.
Further recommendations: “Barack Obama: The Audacity of Hope” by Barack Obama, “TIME Barack Obama: Eight Years” by The Editors of Time, “Who Thought This Was a Good Idea” by Alyssa Mastromonaco, “The World as It Is” by Ben Rhodes, “A Consequential President: The Legacy of Barack Obama, “Becoming” by Michelle Obama, “The Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America” by Michael Eric Dyson, and “Obama’s Legacy: What He Accomplished as President” by Michael I. Days.
Top reviews from other countries
- Gee LeeReviewed in Canada on January 4, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars Great read and very well written.
Loved the flow and energy in this biography…. Written by a very intelligent man who raised the bar for the Presidency.
Rinara SilvaReviewed in Brazil on December 18, 2023
5.0 out of 5 stars avaliação
Sensacional, muito bom o livro.
José Ramón Gutiérrez VReviewed in Mexico on December 16, 2023
5.0 out of 5 stars Interesante y ameno
Es muy interesante adentrarse en el mundo de una persona tan importante, y que sea de manera tan amena; recomiendo la versión en inglés, aporta mucho vocabulario útil
- Diego PignatelliReviewed in Italy on June 10, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars excellent read
Very good indeed and an easy read. He could have expanded also on some of the Administration’s flops like the Arab Spring and the non response to the annexation of Crimea, but it was nevertheless very interesting and well written.
- JosephReviewed in the United Arab Emirates on December 25, 2023
5.0 out of 5 stars As expected
As expected