1 | Formed a Band (Brutleg/Single Version) (2:56) |
2 | Bad Weekend (Brutleg/Single Version) (2:47) |
3 | Modern Art (Brutleg / Single Version) (2:24) |
4 | My Little Brother (Brutleg / Single Version) (2:22) |
5 | Good Weekend (Brutleg) (1.57) |
6 | 18,000 Lira (Brutleg) |
7 | Bang Bang Rock and Roll (Brutleg) 2:10 |
8 | Moving to la (Brutleg) (3.44) |
9 | Moving to la Acoustic (Brutleg) (3:29) |
10 | These Animal Menswe@R (2:06) |
11 | It's About Time (3:10) |
12 | Maternity Ward (3:18) |
13 | Really Bad Weekend (3:48) |
14 | Every Other Weekend (2:00) |
15 | Home Altars of Mexico (2:41) |
16 | Top of the Pops! Art Brut (And Friends) (1:32) |
17 | Don't Blame It on the Trains (3:40) |
18 | Enrique Gatti (Subliminal Desire for Adventure) (Brutleg) |
19 | Pump Up the Volume - with Horns (4:18) |
20 | Moving to la - with Horns (5:10) |
21 | Late Sunday Evening - with Horns (3:17) |
22 | Emily Kane - with Horns (3:05) |
23 | Post Soothing Out - with Horns (4:47) |
24 | Direct Hit - with Horns (3:31) |
25 | Good Weekend - with Horns (8:16) |