Montage Healdsburg

An Oenophile’s Paradise

fromUSD $688*night
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*Based on a 3 night stay, from Mon, Nov 25 to Thu, Nov 28. view this rate

Healdsburg, California

Montage Healdsburg

An Oenophile’s Paradise

What it is

A 258-acre ode to the good life, with an 11,500 square foot spa, zero edge pool and 130 modernist bungalow-style rooms.

What it isn't

Dated. The resort is brand spanking new, debuting December 2020.

What we think

Even in a part of California renowned for its achingly beautiful hotels, Montage Healdsburg stands apart. The resort, perched within 258 acres of vineyards and oak forest, is a wine-lovers dream sprung to resplendent life. Take the spa, lofted 20 feet over a vineyard, with its botanical treatments that take their cues from the land beyond the windows. Or the locavore on-site restaurants, like Hazel Hill—which has its own wine bar and open, interactive exhibition kitchen. Guest rooms themselves were tailor-made for California’s barefoot indoor/outdoor lifestyle, with floor to ceiling windows and earthy finishes, including copper, marble and blonde wood (bonus: they’re absolutely ginormous, starting at 599 square feet, and each one comes with a furnished terrace). Upgrade to a Deluxe Forest One Bedroom Suite for an al fresco fire pit and the kind of deep, sculptural soaking tub that Instagram dreams are made of.

You're here because

You’re on a health kick (to balance out all that wine tippling), and the resort’s fitness offerings include yoga in the garden and personal training sessions.

The Moment

After a morning at the resort’s archery range and bocce ball court, you’re starting to feel like a kid again. So you do the previously unthinkable: you hop on an electric bike and whirl around Healdsburg’s country roads, the wind in your hair—and a picnic basket by your side.

Restaurants & Bars

Hazel Hill - French cuisine

Scout Field Bar - French cuisine with creative cocktails

Hudson Springs Bar and Grill - Seafood

Healdsburg Country Store - Local grab-n-go food


Set between bends of the Russian River near Healdsburg Ridge Open Space Preserve, just a two hour drive-ish from San Francisco. Francis Ford Coppola’s well-directed winery is just up the road.

100 Montage Way
Healdsburg, 95448
CA, United States

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