The Jefferson

Historic homage

fromUSD $487*night
Includes all taxes & fees
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*Based on a 2 night stay, from Fri, Jun 7 to Sun, Jun 9. view this rate

Downtown Washington D.C.

The Jefferson

Historic homage

What it is

A luxury boutique hotel in the heart of D.C. befitting its presidential namesake.

What it isn't

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s sprawling private home in Virginia (although that’s probably a good thing).

What we think

This 99-room Beaux Arts hotel is where discerning travelers and politicians alike flock to for an experience in understated, quiet and refined luxury. Even though the hotel maintains its stately, Monticello-inspired decor (it’s even got a working dumbwaiter), it’s thoroughly modern and updated with the latest technology that blends in seamlessly with its Old World charms, including a beautiful, intimate library. The location is also ideal, just south of Dupont Circle and within walking distance of Jefferson’s former residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

You're here because

You’ve got places to go and people to meet, but you also want to stay in a place befitting the nation’s capital and its rich history.

The Moment

Sipping a cocktail at the hotel’s bar, Quill, rumored to be one of former President Obama’s favorite hotel meeting spots in all of D.C.

Restaurants & Bars

The Greenhouse –breakfast, lunch and weekend brunch, American

Plume: Michelin starred Fine dining, French, American. Dinner only

Quill - Bar/Lounge American. Lunch and dinner


Located in downtown D.C. right in between Dupont Circle and Logan Circle, and just a 10-minute walk away from the White House.

1200 16th St NW
Washington, 20036
DC, United States

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