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(4.84) Based on 3,589 Reviews

Chocolate Whey Protein Powder

Naked Chocolate Whey - 5LB

Chocolate Naked Whey is sourced from small non-GMO dairy farms. Our cows are grass-fed, free roaming and raised... Read More

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Chocolate Whey Protein Powder

$94.99 $75.99

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The Naked Difference

Naked Whey
Other “Grass-Fed” Whey Proteins
Added sugars, artificial sweeteners and colors
Only 3: Grass-fed whey protein, organic coconut sugar, and organic cacao
5+: unnatural additives to aid mixing, color and artificial sweeteners
Artificial Sweeteners Flavors & Colors
Added sugars, fructose and more


  • GMO Free GMO Free
  • Soy Free Soy Free


Grass-Fed Whey Benefits

Grass-Fed Whey Benefits

Naked Whey comes from grass-fed cows raised on small non-GMO dairy farms. Our cows spend more days freely roaming compared to the midwest, resulting in higher quality milk. Not only is grass-fed whey better for the animals and the environment, but it also comes with several health benefits for you.

Build and Maintain Lean Muscle Mass

Build and Maintain Lean Muscle Mass

Each serving of Naked Whey delivers all the essential amino acids needed to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine, help muscle-protein synthesis to promote muscle growth and recovery after exercise¹.Whey protein can help you improve strength and create a better looking body².

Boost Immune System

Boost Immune System

Whey from grass-fed cows contains higher levels of the immune-boosting compounds beta-lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, and lysozyme³. These compounds improve your body’s antioxidant response and help the fight against harmful bacteria.Grass-fed whey also contains more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid that boosts immune function.

Lose Fat

Lose Fat

In addition to boosting immunity, CLA can also help preserve lean muscle mass and burn more fat. The higher levels of CLA in grass-fed whey can support your body composition goals.

Improve Heart Health

Improve Heart Health

Grass-fed whey contains more omega-3 fatty acids and CLA than regular whey. Both CLA and omega-3s can support better metabolism and improve cardiovascular health.

Cold Processed

Cold Processed

We use careful manufacturing processes to minimize heat exposure to our whey protein. Cold processing makes sure that the nutrients in whey are non-denatured. It leaves the amino acids, omega-3s, CLA, and immunoglobulins intact.

Better Absorption

Better Absorption

Non-denatured whey is more bioavailable than regular whey. Your body can absorb the nutrients and amino acids more easily to promote better recovery. As a result, you enjoy more of the benefits of whey protein, such as muscle growth, more energy, and better recovery.

Informed Choice Trusted By Sport

Informed Choice Trusted By Sport

Informed Choice Trusted by Sport is a monitoring program that certifies that a supplement has been tested on a monthly basis for banned substances. This certification ensures the purity of our products, and helps athletes make easy purchasing decisions.

Nutrition Info

Serving Size

2 Scoops (38g)

Number of Servings

Approx. 60



Calories: 160
Protein: 25g
Vitamin D: 0mcg
Calcium: 103mg
Iron: 0.38mg
Potassium: 170mg
Total Fat: 3g
Saturated Fat: 1.5g
Trans Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 50mg
Sodium: 75mg
Total Carbohydrates: 8g
Dietary Fiber: 1g
Sugars: 5g

% Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
* Daily Value established.

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How To Use

How To Use

  • When: Add our chocolate grass-fed whey to protein shakes, smoothie bowls and baking. Best used in the morning, before a workout, or after a workout.
  • Blend: Mix two scoops into 6-10oz of milk, water or your favorite beverage. Add fruits, vegetables, or other ingredients to enhance the taste.
  • Pair With: Add Naked PB for a delicious peanut flavor and extra protein to maintain muscle mass and promote workout recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Grass-fed cows in pastures feed on grass, which is their natural food. As a result, these cows are not consuming any GMOs or harmful substances that feed-lot cows are subjected to. This is also reflected in the whey that these cows produce, as grass-fed whey contains less saturated fats and more healthy fats. It also ensures that the whey is of the highest quality and contains a top nutritional profile.

Generally, caffeine is naturally occurring in cacao powder. However, we only lightly flavor our flavored products to maintain high levels of protein per serving. Therefore, the only caffeine in Chocolate Naked Whey is the very minimal amount that is found in the cacao powder.

Chocolate Naked Whey only contains three ingredients; grass-fed whey protein, organic coconut sugar, and organic cacao powder.

All of our products, including Chocolate Naked Whey, undergo independent testing to ensure that they adhere to the safety standards set by the FDA. Naked Nutrition products are kept as pure as possible and are well under these limitations.

Chocolate Naked Whey is ideal for those without a lactose sensitivity who are looking to boost their daily protein intake. Whether you’re looking to put on lean muscle or lose weight, Naked Whey provides the necessary nutrition to support your health and help you reach your goals. It is also a great supplement for people with busy schedules who find it difficult to get in enough protein, even if they don’t go to the gym. For a lactose-free option, check our lactose free protein powders.

See All Faq


Customer Reviews

Based on 3589 reviews

A great organic, simple, no frills protein. I love it!


All natural

Anonymous (Springfield, OR)
Love this protein

I love this protein. I’ve been adding it to all kinds of recipes and smoothies. Adds protein to my meals but not flavor. Only complaint is there was either no scooper or it’s so far on the bottom I couldn’t feel it while digging around for it with a large spoon. Either way, kind of annoying. Now every time I use it I have to pull out my scale to weigh it.


No fillers, no BS, no added flavors. Just pure whey protein. I add to my coffee in the morning!

Kyle Donovan (Schenectady, NY)
Good stuff

Tastes great and I don't have to mix it with a lot of water. My favorite thing about naked whey is they don't add artificial sweeteners that are known to cause GI issues. So far I've tried double chocolate and chocolate. I would say chocolate is sweet enough for me and I'm probably going to try vanilla next because variety is the spice of life.


Strawberry Whey Protein Powder | Naked Strawberry Whey - 5LB


Shop app said it was delivered but it was not delivered

Satisfied user (Memphis, TN)
Solid Product

Mixes well, love the short ingredient list and no artificial sweetener. It will be less sweet than you are used to if you have been using artificially sweetened or higher-sugar mixes, but that trade-off is minimal once your taste buds adjust. It was worth it for me to get a much cleaner, high-quality product that minimized added sugar. Great product!

S.D. (San Francisco, CA)

I have never liked protein powders, shakes, etc. but the Double Chocolate Naked Whey is SO GOOD! This is just my first trial. I added two scoops to 8oz of milk into my blender, and ran it on low for about 15 seconds. It tastes just like high quality chocolate milk! I have been struggling to get more than 30-45g of protein/day. I am petite (5'3", ~105lbs), 42, trying to stay at a particular goal weight, but I have a small appetite with a busy schedule of a 50hr/week job, also a full-time single mom just trying to fit in a couple of trail runs/week, workouts, and manage my home, toddler, and self. So very happy I complained to my best friend about not being able to find something WITHOUT Stevia, Monk Fruit, Sucralose, etc., and he did a deep dive and found this protein supplement! Also, I was concerned about the flavour being too sweet, but a customer rep helped guide me via the chat function, and it worked out great. Will definitely be subscribing!

Polly Karis (Troy, NY)
double goodness

This chocolate-forward protein powder is tasty, convenient, and easy to digest. I mix this with Naked Peanut Butter Powder, nut milk, and some avocado for a post-exercise protein boost.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3589 reviews

A great organic, simple, no frills protein. I love it!


All natural

Anonymous (Springfield, OR)
Love this protein

I love this protein. I’ve been adding it to all kinds of recipes and smoothies. Adds protein to my meals but not flavor. Only complaint is there was either no scooper or it’s so far on the bottom I couldn’t feel it while digging around for it with a large spoon. Either way, kind of annoying. Now every time I use it I have to pull out my scale to weigh it.


No fillers, no BS, no added flavors. Just pure whey protein. I add to my coffee in the morning!

Kyle Donovan (Schenectady, NY)
Good stuff

Tastes great and I don't have to mix it with a lot of water. My favorite thing about naked whey is they don't add artificial sweeteners that are known to cause GI issues. So far I've tried double chocolate and chocolate. I would say chocolate is sweet enough for me and I'm probably going to try vanilla next because variety is the spice of life.


Strawberry Whey Protein Powder | Naked Strawberry Whey - 5LB


Shop app said it was delivered but it was not delivered

Satisfied user (Memphis, TN)
Solid Product

Mixes well, love the short ingredient list and no artificial sweetener. It will be less sweet than you are used to if you have been using artificially sweetened or higher-sugar mixes, but that trade-off is minimal once your taste buds adjust. It was worth it for me to get a much cleaner, high-quality product that minimized added sugar. Great product!

S.D. (San Francisco, CA)

I have never liked protein powders, shakes, etc. but the Double Chocolate Naked Whey is SO GOOD! This is just my first trial. I added two scoops to 8oz of milk into my blender, and ran it on low for about 15 seconds. It tastes just like high quality chocolate milk! I have been struggling to get more than 30-45g of protein/day. I am petite (5'3", ~105lbs), 42, trying to stay at a particular goal weight, but I have a small appetite with a busy schedule of a 50hr/week job, also a full-time single mom just trying to fit in a couple of trail runs/week, workouts, and manage my home, toddler, and self. So very happy I complained to my best friend about not being able to find something WITHOUT Stevia, Monk Fruit, Sucralose, etc., and he did a deep dive and found this protein supplement! Also, I was concerned about the flavour being too sweet, but a customer rep helped guide me via the chat function, and it worked out great. Will definitely be subscribing!

Polly Karis (Troy, NY)
double goodness

This chocolate-forward protein powder is tasty, convenient, and easy to digest. I mix this with Naked Peanut Butter Powder, nut milk, and some avocado for a post-exercise protein boost.