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Last Chance Sale

Up to 50% off, until end of stock!
Only applicable on end of shelf life or discontinued products The Emma Outlet features close to their end of shelf life or discontinued products. These will be discounted until end of respective stock. End of shelf life products : Emma Original Mattress at 35% off, Emma NextGen Premium Mattress at 40% off, Emma NextGen Cooling Mattress at 50% off, Emma Original Pillow at 40% off, Emma Premium Topper at 50% off, Emma Flip Topper at up to 45% off. Discontinued products : Emma Original Plus Mattress at 35% off, Emma Luxe Cooling Plus Mattress at 65% off, Emma Hybrid Mattress at 35% off, Emma Sofa Bed at 30% off, Emma Metal Bed at 50% off, Emma Basic Comfort Pillow at 10% off, Emma Signature Bed at 50% off.

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Join over 5 million Emma sleepers globally Accounts for recorded distinct customer names across Emma's D2C business globally from 2021-April 2024.

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The science behind superior sleep

Our sleep experts

Our team of sleep experts, comprises of neuroscientists and trained psychologists, is dedicated to transforming your sleep experience. We ensure our products are rooted in science and our claims are backed by scientific evidence. We use first-class equipment and a data-driven approach to address the world's sleep needs.
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Celebrated with over 35 awards received in the UK

Which? Best Buy: Double Mattresses, May 2023 - Emma NextGen Premium Mattress

Emma's Advanced Sleep Range

Loved by 140,000+ people globally ⁶

Our Promise to You

All Emma Mattresses have

Emma - The Sleep Company, our promise to you: up to 200 nights free trial, 10 years guarantee, free returns and free delivery.
Emma - The Sleep Company, our promise to you: up to 200 nights free trial, 10 years guarantee, free returns and free delivery.

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Notes and disclaimers


The Emma NextGen Premium Mattress has been awarded Best Buy - Double Mattress 2023 by Which? Consumers' Association. Read Which? review here: Emma NextGen Premium review | Memory foam and springs Cold Mattress - Which?


The Emma Ottoman Bed is the winner of Product of the Year award in the Bed Category. Survey of 8,000 people in UK & ROI by Kantar.


The Emma NextGen Premium Mattress is the winner of Product of the Year award in the Mattress Category. Survey of 8,000 people in UK & ROI by Kantar.


Emma Ottoman Bed, Emma Divan Bed, Emma Premium Topper and Emma Premium Pillow are awarded by the Good Housekeeping Institute - Approved 2023.


Emma is the United Kingdom’s Most Trusted Mattress-in-a-box based on the 2022 BrandSpark Trust Study. All 2022 BrandSpark Most Trusted brands can be found in: UK — BrandSpark Most Trusted Awards


5-Star reviews received globally by Emma on TrustPilot and Amazon, as of February 2024.